Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known
Bishop Creek Community Church... An Evangelical Free Church... Pastor Kelly Larson. We meet on Sunday afternoons at 4pm ...251 Sierra Street (behind Starbucks). We are about loving Jesus and others, and knowing and living His Word. Come Fellowship with us!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Back in Fullerton...

We're back in Fullerton!   
Here's the latest!
~ On June 26 the National Conference of the EFCA voted to adopt the new statement of faith.  This is historical... and we got to be a part of it!  The statement of faith is even stronger than it used to be... clarifying some things that were a bit weak on the original.  This is so exciting... especially in a day when some denominations are voting to allow things in that weaken their statement of faith.  We are so thankful we were able to go to this conference!  It was great!  We both learned a lot and met a lot of great people!
~ Suzanne is still trying to get well... she now has a deep voice and a tight chest and wakes up with a sore throat.  But... the headaches are gone!  PTL!!!  Thanks for your continued prayers!
~ The Crawford's picked us up from the airport and took us to Chin Ting (our favorite chinese restaurant, which is owned buy a couple guys that Kelly went to high school with) and surprised us... they had five others from Generations there to hang out with us!  We had a good time!   (and mmmmmmmm.... delicious!!)
~ Saturday we had five people come by and help pack up!  WOW!  They got so much done!  Thank you, thank you!!!
~ Saturday afternoon we got together with Kelly's sister and mom, and then went over and had dinner with Kelly's niece and her husband.  It was a busy day, but a good one!
~ It's now Sunday morning.  We're off to La Jolla to visit Laura and Kayla.  (check out Kayla's progress at  We've not been able to get down there for awhile, so we're excited to see them before we move!  Tonight we go to Evening Chapel Praise for the last time, and are getting together with some friends afterwards.
~ Monday we will finish packing and load up the car/truck.  We are having dinner with some friends in the evening.  
~ Tuesday we head up to Bishop.

Thank you again for all of your prayers!!!  We need them!  We appreciate you!
God bless!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24... Update from St. Louis

Wow! It's been a whirlwind month!
~ Suzanne finished up her 14th year teaching at Eastside Christian School on June 6.
~ On June 8 Generations (Kelly & Suzanne's Adult Fellowship group at EV FREE Fullerton) hosted a commissioning service... and Wally Norling (Kelly's mentor) gave the charge. Many family members and friends were in attendance... it was a wonderful time. Speaking of time, Generations presented Kelly & Suzanne with a beautiful, personalized clock! Thank you, Generations!
~That evening Kelly spoke at Evening Chapel Praise (on anxiety... appropriate, don't you think?) and they interviewed and prayed over Kelly & Suzanne. It was a special time... and again, many family members and friends were there.
~ If you'd like to hear Kelly's talk, here's the link... and scroll down to the 6/08/08 date... and you'll see Pastor Kelly Larson... click on the words Fear and Anxiety.
~ June 9-13 Kelly & Suzanne attended the EFCA's Church Planter's Bootcamp... which was held at Talbot. They learned a lot of stuff... which still needs to soak in... but it will be useful as they start their time up in Bishop! They also met some neat people... amazing what a small world it is and how easy it is to connect with other people who have a heart for ministry!
~ June 14 Kelly attended a Leadership seminar, which he really enjoyed.
~ June 16 - 21 was spent going to getting our teeth cleaned, eyes checked, and other appointments... and PACKING! Thank you to all of you that helped us pack! There's still more to do, but it's coming along!
~ June 22 Generations decided to go out to lunch one last time with Kelly & Suzanne... so about 20 of them went to Hometown Buffet for lunch... mmmmm....
~ June 23 Kelly & Suzanne flew out to St. Louis, MO for the EFCA's National Conference. Suzanne woke up that morning with a headache, cough, earache, and tight chest. Thanks for all the prayers! She was fine for the flights. The headache didn't come back until about 30 minutes after they arrived in St. Louis. That's where they are now. Suzanne missed most of the first day of the conference, but her headache is much better now (thank you, all those who are praying for her... and for Tylenol Sinus Congestion & Pain SEVERE!!), and she is looking forward to the seminars on women's ministry and being a pastor's wife on Wednesday and Thursday! Today (June 24) Kelly enjoyed the 6 hour class on expository teaching. Wednesday and Thursday he will attend seminars on the proposed revisions for the EFCA statement of faith, Developing the Leaders You Need, and Simple Church--Making it Work, and a men's ministry luncheon.
~ June 26... Kelly & Suzanne will celebrate their 9th anniversary while in St. Louis, and will fly home on June 27.
~ June 28... Power Packing of the Kitchen! A few friends from Generations have volunteered to come over and help pack up the rest of the kitchen! Wanna help?
~ June 29... we hope to go down to San Diego to visit Laura and Kayla, and then come back to Fullerton to attend Evening Chapel Praise for the last time.
~ June 30... packing up the cars...
~ July 1... driving up to Bishop! Please pray for this to go smoothly! We will be staying in the Talbot's condo (thank you, Tom & Laura!!!) until we find a house... so you can pray that we find the right house too! At some point, our house in Fullerton will be on the market... so let us know if you know of anyone interested!

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support! There are many that have sent special gifts or have committed to supporting us monthly! Thank you, thank you! We have been so blessed by the outpouring of love we've received!