Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known
Bishop Creek Community Church... An Evangelical Free Church... Pastor Kelly Larson. We meet on Sunday afternoons at 4pm ...251 Sierra Street (behind Starbucks). We are about loving Jesus and others, and knowing and living His Word. Come Fellowship with us!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Update 10.26.09

Thank you for your prayers! 

Kelly is working towards becoming ordained in the EFCA.  He has written his licensing paper and last week he met with his licensing council.  They asked him questions for a little over two hours.  He did a great job, and they are recommending him for full licensing.  Up until this time the EFCA has given him a one year license (and they have renewed that).  This license will last for three years.  We're not sure on the timing... but either sometime in that three years... or at the end of the three years... he can turn in an ordination paper and go through an ordination council (both are more in depth than these were). 

We both have stayed healthy (yeah!) and were able to enjoy our time at the Talbot Alumni Retreat.  Mick & Rolane Boersma run Talbot Support Ministries (and do an amazing job!) and put on this retreat (used to be funded by a grant, now it's by donations).  It was a wonderful time of connecting with Talbot Alum and their wives!  We both really enjoyed it!  We are thankful for Kelly's time at Talbot AND for their continued investment into our lives and ministries!

Bishop Creek Community Church has had a study stream of visitors over the last couple months.  It's exciting!  Several have chosen to stay and make Bishop Creek home (yeah!).  We've also seen some people that we haven't seen in a long time... and that's also very exciting!  God is on the move!  PTL!  Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we focus on preaching the Word and ministering to those God brings our way. 

We have a women's Christmas brunch on Dec. 12... for our women and an outreach to the community.  Please pray that everything will come together for this. 

In case you didn't know... we have a church website... and on that website we post all of Kelly's sermons (Creekside Semons)... and also the articles (By the Creek) that are printed in the Inyo Register each week. Feel free to check them out and enjoy them!

We continue to be so blessed by our body here in Bishop, and are still amazed that the Lord has allowed us to minister here!  Thanks for your prayers an support of us!  We are so thankful!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Licensing Council

Kelly will be meeting with the EFCA Licensing Council on Tuesday, October 20.  If all goes well, he will have completed his first step towards becoming ordained.  Please pray for him as he prepares, and as we have a four hour drive go get to the meeting.  Kelly has put a lot of time and effort into this.  My prayer is that he would have recall of all of his information, and clarity of thought, mind, and speech... and that he would have favor with those on his council.  Thank you for joining me in prayer!